GO Soccer Mums Story of the Month: Albury Hotspurs FC

GO Soccer Mums (GSM) is designed for women to play in a social and judgment-free environment. It's not just for mums but for all women from all walks of life. It doesn't matter if you've never kicked a ball before!

To celebrate our GSM community, we're gathering stories from participants and sharing one per month with our wider football family. 

GSM is designed for women to play in a social and judgment-free environment. It's not just for mums but for all women from all walks of life. It doesn't matter if you've never kicked a ball before! 

Albury Hotspurs FC is one of the 18 Clubs to run a GSM program in Term 4 and recorded a groundbreaking 52 participants in their first term of the program.

Club Admin, Aidan Kilroy told Football Victoria Women & Girls Project Manager Elsa Mangan the program has brought "a sense of community" to the Club.

"It has been fantastic, we'll definitely run the program again because it's been an outstanding success," he said.

"Having so many people come together who are already a part of the Club as parents, but having them involved and being able to play and have a smile on their faces just brought that real sense of community, sense of being that, you know, clubs haven't seen since pre-COVID."

Albury Hotspurs FC participant Olivia Howard has had a "great time" since joining the program and continues to invite new members along to the sessions.

"I have actually really enjoyed it, I am not very competitive but I am getting there," she laughed.

"I have convinced quite a few people to join GSM, I have got my whole work involved as well, they have split us up but it's great because we get the chance to meet new people."

GSM provided Mrs Howard with the opportunity to be relieved of her canteen manager duties and grace the pitch, after years of watching her kids from the sidelines.

"I have watched soccer all the time but have never actually played soccer, she continued. 

"I just thought it would be a really fun thing to do, to meet new people. The games are a lot of fun each week, I like getting to play against different people; it is definitely a lot of fun."

GSM deliverer Gary Kavagnah said the impact on the participants has been profound and it has been "super easy" to run.

"Seeing new friendships grow and develop has been great to see, we've just found so many new people come into our program we consider to be part of a team and family now," he explained.

"I think you just don't overthink it,  getting people involved, getting people enjoying themselves is what really matters. If you put too many constraints and too many rules it doesn't foster that enjoyment we want to see."

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