Step 5 – Meeting #2: Where are we going?

The focus on this meeting is to consider stakeholder feedback, establish (or update, if already in existence) the Vision, Mission and Values and to confirm facilitators for the Key Focus Areas.

The aims for this meeting are:

  1. Overview of feedback received from stakeholders
  2. Draft Vision, Mission and Values developed
  3. If you have not already, this would be the time to appoint the Small Group Facilitators – Key Focus Areas, as well as the members of each group

Download: Meeting 2 PowerPoint Template

Work through the vision first, then mission and underpinning values. Add slides to the PowerPoint presentation based on the information developed to date. You may wish to have the slides as blank and update as you go during the meeting.

If broad agreement is not gained, it is recommended that another follow up meeting be held to gain consensus before progressing to the detail (i.e. Step 6).

It is recommended that the Club appoint people to actively participate in the development of the Key Focus Areas. The groups should be ideally no more than 5 people to enable a balance of diverse views, opinions and opportunity for each person to contribute. Consider the gender balance in appointments to this group. Please see table below to summarise the group members (FV’s Key Focus Areas have been used as an example):



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